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Health Benefits of Eggs in your Diet

health benefits of eggs, eggs in diet, benefits of eggs, eating eggs everyday, health benefits, health benefits of eating eggs everyday

The popular choice of many breakfasts around the world, eggs. Why is it that so many of us consume eggs? Are eggs good for you? Are they rich in nutrients? How many eggs should you be eating on a daily basis? To answer all these questions, read this word to word to understand the true health benefits of eggs in your diet. 


Straight off the ball, the question you would be asking is, which part of the eggs is healthiest? To be fair to the egg, both the white and the yolk contains a great number of nutrients including proteins, vitamins and minerals. That being the case, it is generally considered that the egg white is healthier than the yolk for the reasons that the yolk contains cholesterol and fats. Further to this, the yolk contains a higher number of calories than the white, which makes the whites the preferred choice when on a diet. 


eggs, health benefits of eggs, eggs and diet, eggs and health, eggs and nutrition, egg diet


The egg is a symbol of rebirth and is celebrated in many cultures such as with Easter in Christianity. This is because the egg is a necessary component in cooking and baking. It is something that many bakers simply cannot go without. So with the healthiest part of the egg spelt out, what are the real health benefits of eggs in your diet?


If you are on a budget, then eggs act as a great inexpensive source of high-quality protein. The greatest concentration of protein in eggs is found in the egg whites. The egg whites containing lower amounts of fats, also have a great content of vitamin B12. Ever heard of selenium? Well, it is a component in your diet that is great for weight loss and healthy skin. Eggs are a great source of selenium, which when you add to your diet is a good composition for weight loss or even healthier-looking skin. You will also find a good amount of vitamin D in eggs, which are important for healthy bones and teeth. Eggs also contain B12, which is known as the happiness vitamin, which regulates your mood and well being. Further to this, eggs contain a wholesome amount of zinc, iron, copper and other vitamins such as B6, A, E and K. It is the vitamin E that is found in eggs that make them great for your skin. 




Eggs are known to be the complete source of protein, as they contain all nine essential amino acids, even the ones which we cannot synthesis in our bodies. This is probably the best reasoning as to what the health benefits of eggs in your diet are. Ensuring that your diet has eggs is making sure that you are including in your diet, all nine amino acids, some of which have to be obtained by the diet since they cannot be synthesised in our bodies. 


eggs, health benefits of eggs, eggs and diet, eggs and health, eggs and nutrition, egg diet



A normal-sized egg contains roughly, 


8.3 grams of protein

5.7 grams of fat

1.6 grams of saturated fat


And contains about 84 calories. Hence, overall, the egg is not a high-calorie food and is perfect if you are trying to lose weight. Dieticians recommend giving young children an egg a day to help prevent stunting and achieve healthy height.


eggs, health benefits of eggs, eggs and diet, eggs and health, eggs and nutrition, egg diet


The problem that many people face when adding eggs to their diet is the problem with cholesterol. Egg yolks contain cholesterol and for this reason alone, for many years, there was a health warning attached to consuming eggs. People were specifically instructed to not eat more than one egg a day, and eating more than one egg a day was thought to have disastrous health consequences with the risk of developing cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease.


It is true, eggs are considered a high cholesterol food, hence people with high cholesterol were advised to avoid eggs. It is only recently that it was found and recognised that the cholesterol found in food has little effect on the blood cholesterol levels which was directly correlated with the portions of saturated fat eaten. If it is your cholesterol you are worried about, then it is a measure of your saturated fat intake that you should be keeping a track of, not simply portions of cholesterol-rich food you eat. That being the case, if you are worried about your cholesterol levels and are uncertain as to whether you should be eating eggs, we would recommend that you consult your GP. 


eggs, health benefits of eggs, eggs and diet, eggs and health, eggs and nutrition, egg diet


There are many health benefits to adding eggs to your diet, which are actually backed by nutritional data and studies conducted. A recent study of nearly half a million people in China has come to show that eating one egg a day could drastically reduce the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Though you may be worried as to whether eating eggs are good for your heart, the studies actually show you the results. This does not mean that you eat ten eggs a day and expect good heart conditions. The study was limited to one egg a day and this is what results show. That being said, it isn’t sufficient that you simply just eat an egg a day. In order to get beneficial results from the egg that you eat, you should ensure that your efforts are combined with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. 


During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body requires a great amount of choline, which is essential for normal brain development. Choline is abundantly found in eggs, which make them a great addition to the diet when pregnant or breastfeeding. Further to this, you can rest assured that you are protected against osteoporosis, for eggs contain a good amount of vitamin D. 


The iron in eggs helps maintain optimum levels of blood circulation and help keep your heart healthy and young. With all this that has been mentioned, it goes without saying that there are truly some real health benefits to adding eggs to your diet. Eggs are filling and a great source of protein, which make them your companion in your weight loss and weight management programmes. High protein food tends to help you feel full for a longer period of time, which is why eggs are great for breakfast, especially if you are trying to shed a few pounds. 


eggs, health benefits of eggs, eggs and diet, eggs and health, eggs and nutrition, egg diet


When it comes to eggs, there is a wide selection to choose from. It doesn’t necessarily have to be chicken eggs, you can also add quail eggs or duck eggs to your diet and expect similar results. That being said, quail eggs are smaller, so you would have to eat about five quail eggs to amount to one chicken egg. For ideal selection, when possible, we recommend you select free-range or organically raised chicken eggs, for they contain the greatest nutritional value. These eggs usually contain higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which should preferably be eaten as early as possible to keep the oils fresh.


Lastly, when it comes to a number, it is best to stick to one egg a day. However, that being the case, for all you egg lovers out there, it is perfectly healthy to eat up to three eggs a day, as studies have been proved to show so. 


eggs, health benefits of eggs, eggs and diet, eggs and health, eggs and nutrition, egg diet



The health credentials of eggs are undoubtedly amazing to state the least. Make sure you choose good eggs with good nutritional value and enjoy the eggs which have much to offer you in the aspects of a healthy lifestyle. We hope this word to word has clarified the health benefits of eggs in your diet, and that you have taken something of real value from reading this word to word. From the variety of ways that you can make eggs in the morning, you know that eggs are something you enjoy, and now you know that an egg every day or when eaten in moderation, truly has some great health benefits to offer you.


Happy Munching!


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